Samara Hotel Balchik | Relax Centre

Relaxation center "Samara" offers its guests comfortable and quality services in a newly built cozy area with Sauna, Steam bath, Jacuzzi, Shock bucket, Relaxation area with deckchairs, salt bricks and water wall.

The center offers a wide variety of massages, therapies, aromatic and cosmetic procedures performed by qualified professionals.

Mасажи / Massages

Цялостен масаж / Full body massage

Масаж  гръб / Back massage

Релаксиращ масаж / Relax massage

Масаж на глава и зона врат / Head massage

Масаж на стъпала / Foot massage

Масаж с мед / Honey massage

Антицелулитен масаж /Anti-cellulite massage

Масаж с топли камъни / Stone therapy (massage with hot stone)

Козметичен масаж - лице / Cosmetic facial massage

Лифтинг масаж – лице / Lifting facial massage

Лимфодренажен масаж - лице /Lymphatic drainage facial massage